根据Gartner对2018年人工智能发展趋势的分析,到2021年,人工智能应用将创造总计2.9万亿美元的商业价值。无数物联网(IoT)、工业自动化和各种智能应用都离不开人工智能(AI)的支持;因此,如何将人工智能充分整合到实际应用中是人工智能发展的重要组成部分。瑞传科技(Portwell)与英特尔(Intel)早已建立起长期的战略合作伙伴关系。通过利用英特尔灵活的架构和Edge Intelligent Suite的多功能性,瑞传科技(Portwell)将快速帮助客户开发和部署符合其特定需求的人工智能物联网(AIoT)解决方案。
如果人工智能(AI)没有连接物联网(IoT),就像大脑没有感官来收集周围的信息;然而,如果物联网没有配备AI应用,就好像有感官但无法达到大脑进行智能反应。因此,物联网和人工智能的结合成为了未来技术的主流趋势,形成了"人工智能物联网" (AIoT),帮助企业降低成本,提高效率,探索新的商业机会,并发展新的商业模式。
In addition to detecting facial masks and measuring body temperature, we can also assist in the development of solutions in the detection of safety or illness according to user needs.
Having developed the clean room suit fault detection system and safety equipment testing commonly used in the factory environment, our technology have assist in the development of AOI/AVI and factory automation related solutions.
Portwell’s EIS+AI Edge Solution is advantageous in assisting customers to develop intelligent traffic monitoring related solutions.
Most of the energy sector needs remote monitoring; we can assist in the development of smart energy monitoring related solutions according to customers’ needs and specifications.
Portwell’s EIS+AI Edge Solution can develop related solutions in accordance with the customer’s situational demands.
Whether it is the personnel statistics in public places or related applications in shopping malls, you can use the EIS+AI Edge Solution from Portwell to help customers develop solutions that meet their needs.