Portwell » 产业解决方案 » 智能交通 » 自动边境管制系统(eGate)



Airport managements all over the world are developing digital systems. In tradition, there are a lot of customs officers to keep passengers passing customs fast. With labor costs rising, automated border control systems become more and more valuable. When passengers pass through customs, the automatic gate control system(eGate) identifies passengers’ personal biometric features and then open the gate to allow passengers to pass quickly and safely. After COVID-19, the system behavior will be different from the past, we have to integrate passenger temperature system and initial necessary alarm if any abnormal has been detected,

Portwell design automatic border control system with our customers, we integrate their requirement and implemented below features for an automatic border control system(eGate):

Automated Border Control System(eGate) Features

Smart diversity device control

eGate have to control multiple devices including RFID, gate, biometric module, infrared detector, and display. In the future, eGate must integrate temperature detection system, most of those devices are controlled by COM port in limited space

Fast data comparison

Passenger can use eGate to pass customs quickly without any custom officer. Portwell design with high-performance processor to integrated customer’s software, when passengers go through eGate, it will scan passenger’s biometrics feature to compare with digital data, the whole procedure have to finish in limited time, if there is something abnormal, the system will automate alarm and take necessary action to ensure safety

Flexible Processor Option

The system design with socket type processor, if there is any performance issue happen while testing, customer can easily change different CPU immediately. In the future, if customers upgrade software running into a performance issue, we also implemented a convenient swappable CPU design option.

