Portwell » 产业解决方案 » 医疗科技 » 智能生理测量系统



Linked to the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), hospitals can collect a large number of physiological parameters through related equipment so that health becomes manageable and predictable, and it also reduces the use of medical personnel. In the past, hospitals did not have a good automated mechanism to collect physiological parameters, and traditional paper-and-pencil copying may cause errors, so how to develop intelligent measurement solutions is an imperative task for all hospitals.

The intelligent measurement solution proposed by MEDWEL not only be able to be equipped with various measurement instruments, but also includes automatic uploading, which can directly upload the physiological parameter data to the hospital system and can easily establish long-term measurement records. At the same time, in order to accurately manage the state of each instrument on the user side, a back-end central management system has also been developed for monitoring, system updating, and maintenance.

Intelligent Physiological Measurement System Solution

Install the intelligent measurement system in the 10.1” Panel PC, and develop a dedicated interface according to the needs of each hospital to support the connectivity of various measurement equipment in the hospital, such as height and weight machines, medical blood pressure monitors, seat scales, baby scales, and hanging scales, etc. Through the Panel PC installed, each instrument can be intelligently connected, and the measured data can automatically be transmitted to each hospital back-end central system.

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